The Beast

The Beast

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 finds us hanging out in "The Rig"  , we really need to name this thing, outside the house. Kind of like mini camping...  We fix coffee in the house, head out to the rig and just relax and wave at the neighbors as they head of to church wondering what in the hell the Smart's are doing now?...  I realize I kind of like camping!

Finally, after we fully wake up, I decide I better see what the heck is going on with this thing.  I phone up my pal Ricki, power up the monster and head over to his place to have him check it out.

Ricki proceeds to analyze the issue and narrows down the problem to 1. the chassis batteries, 2 a voltage regulator or 3 the alternator.  All bets are on the alternator at this point...   Ricki was great and manages to convince us that our purchase was not in vain and that the unit is great and with minor repairs we will be happy as clams.

I crank up the beast, and pay Ricki back by getting stuck in his yard backing up and plowing 2 beautiful ruts in his lovely landscaped yard on my way home....

What's camping without a little mud?

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